
目前顯示的是 9月, 2018的文章
106學年 高同學 一、系別、姓名: 工科系 高同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 韓國 首爾大學 三、交換期間:2017~2018 摘要: 我从2017年8月底至2018年7月底,前往首尔国立大学计算机工程系。进行了为期一年的交换。 课业中,在一年的交换中,我修习了数门计算机系高强度的必修课,寒暑假期间在两个实验室进行了实习,参与了首尔大学社团SNU Buddy的各类活动,同时修了首尔大学语学院韩语一级课程。除此以外还面试了韩国公司的实习机会,参与了校内的一个创业团队。 文化上,结合我在台湾的陆生身份,在韩国的一年学习让我对“留学”的收获有了更具体的认识。和各国朋友交流,在语言不通的环境里生存,面对文化差异的解决方法,都是重要的人生的学习。我相信这也是交换的重要意义之一。 本文将从行前准备、韩国生活、选课经验、实验室文化等方面,介绍学习经验、分享首尔大学交换的心得。希望对未来的申请者有所帮助。 Absract:  I was an exchange student at Seoul National University(SNU) from August, 2017 till July, 2018, during which time I had an intensive studying experience in Department of Computer Science and Engineering. In terms of university study, I challenged several most important courses in the department, worked in two labs as an intern during vocations, participated a club called SNU Buddy, and enrolled in the Korean Level 1 class by SNU Language Education Institute. In terms of cultural experiences, I have gained more understanding toward studying abo
106學年 蔡同學 一、系別、姓名: 醫技系 蔡同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 奧地利 茵斯布魯克大學 三、交換期間:2017/10/02~2018/06/30 摘要: 這一年的交換生活著實開闊了我的眼界,靈活了我的思想,看世界的角度也更多元了。沒有學分壓力後,我可以選擇不同面向的課程,有了相當深刻的體驗。而課餘時間我便四處旅遊,壯麗的美景、久遠的遺跡、哀傷的歷史、熱情的居民,每趟旅程都讓我有所收穫。在歐洲我學會更有自信的表達自己,結交了不少異國朋友;我學會了獨立生活,自己買菜、煮飯、計畫出遊並精打細算;我學會保持一顆赤子之心,嘗試了溜冰、滑雪、雪橇等許多新事物。不敢說這段交換的經歷能為自己的履歷加多少分,但卻會是讓我一輩子不斷回味的美好回憶。 Abstract: This one-year exchange program has broadened my horizons, inspired my thoughts, and also given me another viewpoint to see the whole world. Without the pressure from the school, I could take different kinds of courses which impressed me a lot. During my spare time, I traveled around the Europe. The spectacular scenery and cultural heritage as well always help me gain something new. Furthermore, in Europe, I learned how to be more confident in myself and made lots of friends. I learned to live independently, to cook and travel by myself. I learned to stay young at heart, which motivated me to try many new things such as skiing and ice s
106學年 李同學 一、系別、姓名: 外文系 李同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 日本 筑波大學 三、交換期間:2017/09/19~2018/08/26 摘要: 身為一名外文系的學生,除了英文之外,第二外語也佔了課程中很重要的一部分。二外選擇日語的我,透過大學交換的方式,除了期望增長自己的見聞、了解日本文化外,也希望能夠在母語環境中提升自己外語的能力。在大學最後的時光裡,決定走出自己的舒適圈,探索更多不同可能性並從中找到自己的定位。此報告書主要內容包含交換的目的以及在交換期間根據自身經驗對宿舍、校園生活以及課堂進行的方式作分享,提供未來欲交換的學弟妹們一些方向。 Abstract: As a student of department of Foreign Languages and Literature, English ability indeed is important and what we manage to expert in. However, the second foreign language also plays an important role in our courses. When I was sophomore, I chose Japanese as my second foreign language to learn. Studying abroad as an exchange student, I not only want to know more about Japanese society and culture, broaden my horizon but also want to immerse myself in a Japanese speaking environment and then to improve my language ability. In the last year of college, I decided to step out of my comfort zone, explore more possibilities and hope to find my own position in my life. In this report,
106學年 陳同學 一、系別、姓名: 政治系 陳同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 日本 大阪大學 三、交換期間:2017/09/19~2018/08/26 摘要: 基於本身學習日文並期望未來在公家機關服務,故選擇了時常做為政策參考對象的日本作為交換的首要目標。期望藉由這次交換經驗,提升自己的日文能力、廣展自身的國際視野並修習具挑戰性的專業課程。 本文會針對計畫申請(包含校內學校選擇及大阪的四個交換計畫:一般計畫iExPo、OUSSEP、FrontierLab、Maple)、行前準備(包含拜訪家庭申請及宿舍簡介)、獎學金與生活開銷(包含學海飛颺、交協獎學金、全球精緻服務計畫、JASSO及OU)、課業生活及課外生活進行簡要說明,希望對後繼申請者能有所助益。 Abstract: Depending on my career development plan, working in the government, I decided Osaka University as my first choice for exchanging. Thanks for this unique and critical exchanging experience, I not only improved my language skills and social science knowledge but also learned more about economics and broaden my multicultural horizon. In the following, I will give a brief introduction about different programs offered by  Osaka University (iExPo、OUSSEP、FrontierLab and Maple), preparation (Host family program and dormitory), applying for scholarship, my school life and extracurricular life. Hope it would be helpful to you. 1. 目的 自
106-2 王同學 一、系別、姓名: 材料系 王同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 中國 北京大學 三、交換期間:2018/02~2018/06 摘要: 我在大三下申請了大四下一學期的交換學生計畫,希望能到異地交流,開闊眼界、結交來自不同國家的朋友,收到了北大的錄取通知書後,我便訂了機票,展開於中國的交換生活。為期半年的交換生活很快就結束了,回到台灣後我整理了一些特別的經驗,包含申請目的和在北大的學習、心得、旅行、建議,希望這些經驗分享能為想到異地學習和體驗不同生活方式與文化的同學一個方向。 Abstract: With purpose of gaining the different view to this world and making friends with people from other country, I applied NCKU exchange student program for one semester. I got the admission notification of Peking University and then started my exchange life in China. After a half year, I had already come back to Taiwan and recorded all special experience in this report. The contents include the objective, learning, traveling, thoughts and suggestion. Hope this experience sharing will provide the direction to those who want to study abroad and experience different life way and culture. 1. 目的 中國為世界第一大經濟體,經濟發展相當快速,以往總是在報章雜誌中看到中國龐大的市場、人才的狼性、學生的積極以及快速的發展,一直沒有機會親眼見證、體驗這一切,成大國際處提供交換學生的機會,讓我能夠到位在中國首都的第一學府學習、交流,
106-2 何同學 一、系別、姓名: 建築所 何同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 中國 同濟大學 三、交換期間:2018/03~2018/06 摘要: 我是就讀建築所的研究生,當初選擇同濟交換是因為希望畢業後能到上海一帶工作,房地產行業是目前中國風口上的產業,相關專業的人力需求也大,建築專業的學生可以說是非常吃香,我因此在同濟體驗到作為一個「強勢學科」是怎麼樣的備受學校禮遇,同時在學習上,也感受到中國學生優秀的簡報能力。 在心得與建議部分,我將其分生活篇、旅遊篇和後記,提供我認為最重要的、必須提前知道的資訊,希望能給即將前往中國或同濟交換的同學一些幫助。 Abstract: I’m a graduate student of architecture. I chose Tongji University for exchange because I hope I can work in Shanghai after graduate. Real estate industry is currently very prosperous in China. So, architecture students are very popular for those companies, also at school. In the comments and suggestions section, I separate it into 3 parts: life, traveling and postscript. I share some information that I think is very essential and must be known beforehand. I hope they can help students who want to go for exchange in China or Tongji like me. 1. 目的 我是就讀建築所的學生,這是我第二次出國交換,第一次是大三的時候,去了美國,課程結束後,和同學在美國自助旅行了一個月,去了大半個西岸,也看了很多大師建築作品。 研究所決定交換之後,其實在選擇國家上有點掙扎,在想要去中國好還是歐洲好,歐洲的經典建築案例非常多,
106-2 林同學 一、系別、姓名: 交管系 林同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 中國 東南大學 三、交換期間:2018/02~2018/06 摘要: 交通運輸是全球化的一環,必須向外學習,才能借鏡他人,學得更多,因而有出國交流的發想。南京東南大學在公路交通領域實力堅強,學風鼎盛,學生學習力驚人,對希望接受高規格強度訓練的人來說是個好選擇。 到中國大陸,有非常多機會與來自四面八方,乃至世界各地的人交流,就近體驗與台灣不同的文化與風情。加上語言障礙較低,是首次嘗試出國的學生一個好選擇。 中國大陸迄今已是一個「處處充滿QR Code」的世界,日常生活與智慧型手機高度連結,「出門可以不用帶錢包,但一定不能不帶手機。」藉由交換學生,可以借鑒中國大陸的經驗提升自我。況且,有交流與實際體驗,才能消除偏見、拓展宏觀視野。 Abstract: Transportation is a global industry. It is necessary to learn from others in order to learn more. Thus, there is a thought of being an exchanger. When it comes to highway transportation, Southeast University(SEU) is at the top. Students in SEU are hard-working. So it is a good choice for those who wish to get high-intensity training. In Mainland China, there are many opportunities to interact with people from all over the world, experience cultures that differ from Taiwan. It is suitable for students who try to go abroad for the first time without language barriers. Today, we can describe China as
106-2 游同學 一、系別、姓名: 政治系 游同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 中國 浙江大學 三、交換期間:2018/03~2018/07 摘要: 浙江大學是中國高校排行名列前茅的名校,擁有豐富的教學資源,各式各樣的課程令人目不暇給,更是集結中國人才之地。至浙江大學交換期間,體驗不同的生活、學習新知、結交新的朋友、遊覽各地都是很特殊的經驗。交換的時間短暫,僅大約四個月,但這四個月卻是我大學生活中最充實的。尤其如果是對於中國的政治、經濟與文化充滿興趣,十分推薦來中國交換,能夠收穫滿滿。 本篇心得報告主要著重在剛至中國時的一些必辦事項上,希望能讓未來到浙江大學交換的同學參考。 Abstract:  Zhejiang University is one of the best university in China, with rich teaching resources and a variety of lessons, gathering the talented elites around the world. During the exchange program, I experience a different way of life, learn brand new knowledge, make some good friends, and visit many provinces in China. The exchange program is very short, only about four months, but this special experience is full of meanings in my college life. Besides, if you have strong interests in Chinese politics, economy and culture, it is highly recommended to join the exchange program to China, because you will learn a lot.  Finally, this report focuses on some of t
106-2 翁同學 一、系別、姓名: 土木所 翁同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 波蘭 波茲南工業大學 三、交換期間:2018 摘要: 交換學生的計畫對於培養學生的國際觀有相當大的幫助,無論是在國外生活的其間與朋友的交流,亦或是與當地人民的接觸,都是難得且珍貴的人生經歷。波茲南工業大學土木與環境工程學院含括三個系所,分別是建築工程、土木工程與環境工程。歐洲的環境與台灣大相逕庭,在土木的領域裡有相當多值得觀摩學習的地方。波蘭,或者說是波茲南相較於大多數歐洲國家當中並不是交換生的熱門選項,波茲南工業大學是第一次有成大交換生前往,在這裡也甚少亞洲面孔的出現,因此如何溝通以達成目的也成為了其中一個課題。在本篇文章中,我會介紹促使我出發的動機、簡介一些交換學生要處理的事項與在波茲南的生活環境,最後是我的心得與建議。 Abstract: The exchange program is a great help for students’ international prospect. It is a precious experience to make friends and communicate with foreign people and local people. The faculty of civil and environmental engineering in Poznan university of technology includes three departments which are structural engineering, civil engineering, and environmental engineering. It has a huge difference between Poland and Taiwan, not only the culture but also the geological and climatic conditions. Poland, especially Poznan is not the first choice for most of the exchange students, and it is the first time that Poznan
106-2 蕭同學 一、系別、姓名: 企管系 蕭同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 波蘭 烏茲科技大學 三、交換期間:2018/02/21~2018/06/30 摘要: 這份出國報告書是寫著我在波蘭交換這四個月半的故事、感受及心得。從一開始的準備,學校文件、辦簽證,交換過程中發現的差異,到最後對於這精采的四個半月做一個總結。 對我來說,在國外的一切都是挑戰都是冒險,對於人生地不熟的地方要如何去適應,跟外國朋友相處的模式,出去旅行碰到的各種事情,不平靜的交換生活,幾番的低落心情,換來的是飛快的心靈成長。 大家都在講的國際觀,到了歐洲,接觸到各國人之後,很多的國際事件、國際議題就活生生地搬到你面前,大家很勇於分享自己國家的事情,因此也釐清了我之前錯誤的觀念或刻板印象。 Abstract: This report is writing about the four and half month exchange life in Poland. At first, I talk about the preparation of school documents and applying for the Visa. Then, I talk about the difference that I discover during the exchange and have a brief conclusion. It’s always a challenge and adventure for me to go abroad. How can I fit myself in the new environment? How to make friend with the foreign students? How to deal with the difficult problem when traveling? Those question always come into my mind and make me think over and over. When think about it, it usually makes me depressed. But at the same time, it also makes