
目前顯示的是 10月, 2018的文章
106-2 孫同學 一、系別、姓名:電機所  孫同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:日本  東北大學 三、交換期間:2017/03~2017/06 摘要: 此報告書為本人電機系電通所碩士班二年級自106年第二學期至107年第一學期赴日本東北大學交換學生計畫報告,報告內容包含本次交換計劃之目的、交換過程、心得以及建議事項。交換期間為2017年4月至2018年2月共約11個月。         兩學期的交換期間遇到了許多在台灣無法體驗的生活,且也認識到了許多文化差異上的不同想法以供自己學習並進步。在川內教授的研究團隊裡我學到了許多日本對於研究態度上的嚴謹及日本人對於研究的熱忱。希望此份報告書能作為一份參考,提供未來想至日本東北大學交換的同學一些建議、經驗以及海外交換計畫所需要的準備方向。 Abstract: This is a report about the student exchange program when I was a second year master student. During April 2017 to February 2018, about 11 months I spent my life as a exchange student of Tohoku University, Japan. In this report, the purpose and motivation of the exchange program, the process during these two semesters and the review to the whole experience will be mentioned.          During the two semesters studying abroad, I got a totally different life which I could never experience in my home country. What I saw and what I learned in Japan not only provided me a new conce
106-2 林同學 一、系別、姓名:能源系  林同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:韓國  首爾大學 三、交換期間:2017/03~2017/06 摘要: 此報告為本人成功大學能源系106級林裕翔同學於105學年度第2學期赴韓國國立首爾大學進行為期1學期的交換學生之心得報告書,其內容包括目的、過程、心得及建議事項。此報告書較多著重在韓國交換生活及注意事項之描寫,提供學弟妹作為選擇交換學校時的依據,於建議部分則少些著墨,畢竟每個人有不同考量因素,我認為選擇交換的學校要選自己喜歡的、真的想去到那個國家、去認識那裏的人、去體驗那裏的風俗民情,至於其他人所說的等你有所決定時再來作為參考就好,不要讓這些話左右你原本堅定的目標。這也是我想在報告書中告訴大家很重要的一點,不要覺得交換學生可能只有短短半年,改變不了甚麼而不去爭取,如果你還在猶豫,去試試吧!踏出你的舒適圈,交換學生的生活將會是你大學四年裡最美好的回憶之一。 Abstract: This report is written by me, Lin,Yu-Xiang from International Bachelor Degree Program of Energy in National Cheng Kung University, who had visited Korea as an exchange student during the second semester of 2017. In this report, purposes, progresses, feedbacks and suggestions were included. Moreover, I will depict more on my life and experiences in Seoul, rather than give out advice on which college to do the exchange. What I really hope is that everyone who intends to become an exchange student can choose the college in
106-2 宋同學 一、系別、姓名:機械系  宋同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:韓國  首爾大學 三、交換期間:2017/03~2017/06 摘要: 本報告為本人國立成功大學機械106宋旻熹同學於民國105學年第二學期至韓國國立首爾大學之交換學生計畫報告,其中內容包括本次計畫之目的、過程以及心得和建議事項。      一年前的下定決心以及一年的努力,終於實現了自己的短期目標,雖然在首爾大學交換才短短的一個學期,但在那的所學以及所見所聞絕對是對我的人生非常重要的,也讓我對未來更充滿了信心,其中非常感謝所認識新朋友的陪伴,當然還是最感謝一路都支持我的父母讓我無憂無慮地去追夢。 Abstract: This report is about my, SUNG,MIN-SI’s exchange program to Seoul National University, Korea during the second semester (winter semester) in 2017, which includes the purposes of this program, reviews and some recommendations. After the decision of applying for the exchange program one year ago and the effort of whole year, I finally realized my own short term goal to have the chance to go aboard for exchange program. Although it’s only one semester for exchanging, what I learned and what I met in Seoul National University is absolutely very important for my life. Furthermore, from this exchange program, I got not only knowing that
106-2 劉同學 一、系別、姓名:心理系  劉同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 新加坡  南洋理工大學 三、交換期間:2017/01/03~2017/05/26 摘要: 我是成大心理系大四的學生,於105學年度第二學期至國立新加坡大學當一學期的交換學生,為期5個月。在申請交換一年前就開始準備語言考試以及收集新加坡大學相關資料,在來往的書信中逐漸處理好該申請的文件以及住宿。在交換的過程中,認識了來自四面八方的人,見識到不同的文化,也從課堂以及同儕的討論中看見不同文化成長下的不同意見及想法,最重要的是學會自己處理眾多事務以及照顧自己。也在讀書之餘至其他東南亞國家旅遊,體驗不同的風俗民情,著實擴展了我的視野,讓我第一次真正明白世界有多大。整趟交換的旅程,獲得的收穫遠遠超出我的想像。 Abstract: I am a student studied in psychology in National Cheng Kung University. In the second semester of 2017, I had become an exchange student in National University of Singapore, which last for five months. I started to prepare for TOEFL and collect for relevant information for studying in NUS. Before going out, I handed in all needed documents and the application of the accommodation. During the period of exchanging, I have met all kinds of people came from all over the world, get to know a different culture, and see the different points of view from different culture background through
106-2 林同學 一、系別、姓名:外文系  林同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 新加坡  南洋理工大學 三、交換期間:2017/01~2017/05 摘要: 我是成功大學外國語文系三年級的林映任,想體驗外國遊學生活嗎?如果你也跟我有相似的想像。這篇報告書是我過去四個月在新加坡當交換學生的歸納整理。希望這份報告書可以成為其他同學申請新加坡大學的參考。 在申請交換學生之前,過去有出國的經驗,可是都沒有在國外待過較長時間。以往的出遊,往往都是走馬看花,想多花些時間體驗國外生活也是我申請交換學生的動機之一。 南洋理工大學為亞洲指標性大學之一,在國際上的排名名列前茅。教授們常說,在這個日益競爭的世界,我們的競爭來自全世界。成大在台灣是極具聲望的大學,交換使我有機會可以跟其他世界頂尖大學生互動及交流。  Abstract: I am Lin-Ying Jen, and this reflection report is a recap of my one semester student exchange program. If you wish to know some information about studying aboard in a foreign country, particularly Singapore then we are in common. I never stayed overseas for over a week before applying for this time student exchange. The previous experiences are all just trips not really living in that place. As a result, I am always looking forward to having this chance to study abroad so that I can really go deep in their culture. I hope this report can be the reference for other students
106-2 曾同學 一、系別、姓名:光電系   曾同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 中國 清華大學 三、交換期間:2017/02~2017/06 摘要: 這次到北京的清華大學交換是一個很特別也難忘的回憶,也是我第一次到出國這麼久,在北京清華除了正規的修課之外,也體驗了許多不一樣的社團活動與盛行的體育風氣,另外由於首都的關係,北京市內也有許多有趣的地方,像是奧運公園、故宮以及王府井市集等,都讓我留下了深刻的印象。 除了在北京到處晃晃之外,我們一群台灣與香港的交換生們也成為了好朋友,一起去像是新疆、敦煌、西安等城市旅遊,節假日也會一同聚餐或慶祝,最後大家陸陸續續離開時也互相送對方離開學校,是段難忘的回憶。 由於住宿是與本地生一起住宿,所以與室友、同學們的相處也很重要,像是用語的差異、生活習慣、固定11點斷電的日常等都很有趣,這也是在清華的交換生活中,最重要的一部份。 Abstract: It’s a great and a special chance to be an exchange student from NCKU (National Cheng Kung University) to THU (Tsinghua University). Except for the regular courses, I also joint some club activities and traveled in the big Beijing. There are so many famous and interesting places like the Olympic Park, Palace museum and the Wang-fu-jing Markets, they left me a good memory. Besides sightseeing in Beijing, I also go traveling with lots of exchanging students who also came from Taiwan and Hong Kong to Xin-Jiang, Dun-Huang, Xi-an and so many
105-2 闕同學 一、系別、姓名:化學系  闕同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 中國  浙江大學 三、交換期間:2017/02~2017/07 摘要: 這一趟旅程不是三言兩語可以道盡的。我想,每一個人想出國交換的目的不樣,但一樣的事是,透過交換學生獲得人生不可或缺的難得回憶,很多人總說千里之行,始於足下,又或是說,度萬卷書,行李萬路,但總礙於現實躊躇不前,要能出國闖一闖半年對很多人來說是件多麼困難的事情,然而今天,我獲得寶貴的機會出國交換,讓我很是感激,因此,我希望很多人可以把握在學生的機會出國交換,不論是經歷好的還是壞的,都會有所成長的!  Abstract: This marvelous journey can’t no be told just in a few words. I think, there are different reasons for people who want to be an exchange student, but the same is ,we gain the irreplaceable memory from the exchanging life. There are so many people said a thousand miles begins with a single step, or person that travels far knows much, eventually facing the reality to give up. It is so hard for many people to get a chance to go abroad in half of year. However, I made it, I feel truly grateful from my bottom of hard. Consequently, I encourage all of you to go student exchange once in your lifetime. No matter any bitter sweet you my encounter, It will definit
105-2 張同學 一、系別、姓名:經濟系  張同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 中國  浙江大學 三、交換期間:2017/02/24~2017/06/16 摘要: 有鑒於出發前往浙江大學交換前,雖然搜尋了大量網路上的心得,但不論是出發前或是抵達後都仍有許多不得要領的地方,因此本篇心得力求用最簡短的篇幅概括最需要注意的事項,期望能對之後預計前往浙江大學交換的同學有所幫助。 全本分成出發前、抵達後、離開前、其他建議,四個部分進行撰寫。 在浙大當交換生是我目前最棒的一段時光,我體驗了與台灣相似卻又有幾分不同的文化,還交了許多好朋友,這趟旅程甚至喚起了我想在中國開始我職涯第一份工作的想法。或許十年後再看這段經歷,會發現申請這個交換計畫是我重要的轉捩點。 最後,我強烈的建議把握以作為大學生的身份在中國生活上幾個月,這可能會對未來有你從來不曾想過的的影響。最重要的是,保持開放的心態,如此一來才能真正學習以及融入不同的文化。 Abstract: Given that before setting out to ZJU, though I searched relevant information online from various perspectives, I still had difficulties understating the real situation of the school. Hence this sharing is written in the most concise and precise way in terms of all the essential information for the sake of helping the students who are going to be the exchange student in ZJU or China understand more about the process. The review is composed of 4 parts including “before setting out to ZJU,” “arriving at ZJU
105-2 李同學 一、系別、姓名:化工所  李同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 奧地利  林茲大學 三、交換期間:2017/02/10~2017/06/30 摘要: 難得得到去歐洲交換一個學期的機會,出發前期許自己經過五個月的洗禮後,能夠開闊自己的視野,更具有國際觀,在國際化的社會中具有競爭力。 本文詳述申請交換學生的流程及注意事項,其中英文能力為重點。出國前的準備,重點在於先跟同校同學聯絡,互相討論提醒代辦事項,一起出發比較放心。奧地利生活物價高,需自行下廚;參與一開始的德文課程,可以初步認識交換學生;善用廉價航空,能夠為自己省下許多錢。在群體中生活,要盡量用英文表達自己的看法,避免文化隔閡造成的誤會。 這五個月的交換生活,是我生命中非常寶貴的回憶。除了讓我更懂得如何跟異文化的人相處,更培養自己在陌生及多文化環境中生存的勇氣。 Abstract: It’s very lucky for me to get the chance to attend the exchange program. I hope I can broaden my point of view and think more internationally after five months, in order to improve my compatibility in the globalized society. This article presents the procedures and memos for applying exchange program and English is the most important part. Before going out, I suggest that discuss the details with your companion who goes to the same school with you at the same period, in order to make sure everything is done. Living expenses in Austria is very high, so it’
105-2 賴同學 一、系別、姓名:航太系  賴同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名: 西班牙  瓦倫西亞科技大學 三、交換期間:2017/01/30~2017/06/30 摘要: 申請交換學生的念頭自從大學入學前都沒有打消過,主要是想增廣見聞,看看外面的世界是什麼樣貌;而如今歷經了交換學生,交換學生對我而言的價值已超出當時的初衷,成為人生中最寶貴的人生經驗。 去到不一樣的國家,每天會不自覺的觀察與比較。從民族的習性到學校的教學,處處可看到與自己所認為的理所當然不一樣之處,因此而打破了許多刻板印象。在這看到國外的好與壞,也同時反思台灣的好與壞。在課程與考試的空隙當中有了機會到附近的國家遊歷,看到從未見聞過的風景,聽到當地人講古。這半年在異地激起了我對周遭事物的好奇心,認識了歐洲這片新大陸,同時在克服重重難關的過程中也重新認識了自己。 Abstract: I have been looking forward to becoming an exchange student even before my collegiate studies, and it turned out to be just as fruitful and intriguing of an experience as I was expecting; even more so becoming one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had. Being in Europe, I had the chance to go to various countries, some for the first time and some revisited. First starting with Spain, living there gave me the opportunity to experience firsthand how the Spaniards lived and enjoyed their lives. This led myself to break a lot of personal stereotypes