
107-1 陳同學 一、系別、姓名:政治系  陳同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:中國  北京大學 三、交換期間:2018/09-2019/02 摘要: 我用腳步丈量歷史,尋覓中華文化的根基,去尋找千年的輝煌。2018.9.13~2019.1.19,走了14813公里,爬到過海拔5000公尺。 修過北大最熱門的課程,也修過國際關係學院最難的課程。 這半年彷彿活了一場夢,而這場夢醒之後值得用一生去回憶。認識了很多人,也重新認識了自己。 有些事情,就是在二十歲時做才有意義,我希望能夠趁我現在年輕的時候到外面的世界走走,多看看一些不同的地方,體驗當地的生活,擁有美好的回憶,成為以後老了想當年的資本。而且更重要的是,以後出社會開始工作之後,可以出國交流的機會就不多了。 Abstract: I use my footsteps to measure Chinese history, and find the foundation of Chinese culture. 2018.9.13~2019.1.19  During the exchange period.  I walked 14813 kilometers and climbed to an altitude of 5,000 meters.  I studied the most popular course at Peking University and completed the most difficult course at the School of International Studies.  I have met many people in the past six months and I have reacquainted myself.  Some things are meaningful when you are twenty years old. I hope that I can go to abroad when I am young, look for some different places, experience the local life, and have good memories.  More import
107-1 陳同學 一、系別、姓名:土木系  陳同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:中國  同濟大學 三、交換期間:2018/09-2019/02 摘要: 這篇報告主要是介紹交換的事前準備,以及交換的生活,包括辦門號、開戶、校園環境、校園外的商圈,以及旅遊經驗等。相信很多人對交換抱持者很大的期待,或是對交換的準備感到擔憂。希望透過這樣的報告讓大家了解在上海的生活,擴展大家的視野。 Abstract: In this report, there are introduction of preparation of exchange, and the life as an exchange students. For example: buying a SIM card,  opening an account, the environment of Tongji University, business district near the university, and the experiences of traveling in China. I hope that this report can help everyone to know more about the life in Shanghai, and borden everyone’s horizons. 1. 目的 上大學之前就有聽朋友分享他們的交換生活,也google了別人的blog,對交換生活有種憧憬。但是到大二下以前,我對我自己的條件不太有信心,尤其考托福、雅思是一個大門檻,對我來說它們是未知的東西,不知怎麼開始準備,所以每次開學看到交換學生簡章時,心想:「我大概跟交換無望了吧!」但是直到二上有系上的學姊去德國交換,還有在德文補習班認識的同學也要出國時,聽他們準備的方法,我心中有個初步的藍圖,但真正有心力去實踐它已經是大二下的事情了。首先,再看一次歷年的簡章,具體且充分了解自己要到達哪些需求,特別是英文門檻。在三月左右就報名八月的托福,一方面提早報名就可以定下心好好唸英文,另一方面暑假的托福很多人報,為了避免要考試時報名不上,造成成績單無法如期寄出,這樣又一個學期過去囉!我準備英文是在家自學的,所以更花時間,但也提升了不少英文實力
107-1 凃同學 一、系別、姓名:土木所  凃同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:中國  同濟大學 三、交換期間:2018/09-2019/02 摘要: 在來到中國之前,我對這邊的瞭解是從社群媒體及朋友間得來,對上海的第一印象是個繁華的商業大城,這裡也有不少臺灣人離鄉背井來打拚,上海是許多年輕人追夢的地方,充滿著許多機會。因為想對上海有更進一步的認識,我選擇申請上海的同濟大學交換,想藉由這段時間,實際走訪,透過自己的雙眼好好瞭解這有「魔都」稱號的地方。 來到異地人生地不熟,一切得自己摸索,本文將以目的、交換的過程、心得及建議事項,分類進行說明,希望能幫助即將要去同濟大學或中國大陸交換的學弟妹們。 Abstract: Before coming to China, my understanding of this country was from social media and friends. The first impression of Shanghai is a bustling commercial city. There are also many Taiwanese who have left their homes to work hard. Shanghai is a place where many young people pursue their dreams and are filled with many opportunities. Because I want to have a deeper understanding of Shanghai, I chose to apply for the exchange student of Tongji University in Shanghai. I would like to take this time to actually visit and find out the place of "Paris of the Orient" through my own eyes. You have to explore on you own, when you come to different pla
107-1 黃同學 一、系別、姓名:企管系  黃同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:中國  浙江大學 三、交換期間:2018/09-2019/02 摘要: 浙江大學是中國近年來綜合排名第三名的大學,擁有眾多的科系專業。我所就讀的管理學院在浙大是個熱門科系,師資跟資源都非常優秀,因此在這四個多月的時間,我獲得了很多收穫。 而在旅遊方面,杭州的地理位置也很便利,往北往南旅遊都很容易到達,在這短短的交換期間,我去過內蒙古的呼倫貝爾、黑龍江省的漠河及哈爾濱、北京、天津、上海、江蘇等,可以想像得到杭州的位置去往各處都是很容易的。 我將以這份報告簡短介紹這四個月的生活歷程。 Abstract: Zhejiang University is one of the best universities in China. There are so many different departments that you can choose. I am major in the department of Marketing. It has great teachers and many resources. Therefore, during these four months, I learned a lot.  About the traveling, Hangzhou locates a very good place. It is very convenient to go to anywhere. I have been to  Inner Mongolia, Harbin, Beijing, Shanghai. Thus, if you plan to travel during this time, Hangzhou is a good choice.  I would briefly introduce my life as an exchange student through this paper. 1. 目的 關於地區的選擇,在大陸跟非大陸地區,其實一開始我是打算選非大陸地區的,但由於英文沒有達到門檻,所以最後還是選擇了大陸地區,但也是有好處,在課程方面能深入學習,雖然喪失了環歐的機會(笑
107-1 林同學 一、系別、姓名:歷史系  林同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:中國  浙江大學 三、交換期間:2018/09-2019/02 摘要: 浙江大學位於浙江省杭州市,其校區分散於杭州市區以及浙江省內。擁有東方劍橋的美稱,其屬於一綜合大學,學術氛圍濃厚。浙江大學引人入勝的還有地理位置,上有蘇杭下有天堂,位於西湖區的玉泉以及西溪校區,便與西湖相伴。雖是歷史文化古城,杭州市的便捷程度,不亞於一線城市。電商阿里巴巴的總部便是設於杭州市,這使得杭州成為互聯網活動上十分便捷的城市,包括行動支付、外賣、快遞等等,皆使得杭州市民有著便捷的網絡生活。在浙江大學交換的日子,時時的感受著創新科技與文化傳統兩者相互融合作用的刺激。 Abstract: Zhejiang University is located in Hangzhou, its campus is scattered in Hangzhou city and Zhejiang province. Zhejiang University is known as a comprehensive university, its academic atmosphere is very grumous. Besides that Hangzhou city as a the most famous southern city of China it is a historical city, has plenty of cultural heritages, which provide me with a good source for investigation. Through field research, I can apply my school knowledge to culture study and broaden my perspective.    Network play a very big role in Hangzhou city resident life, although it is a historical city, Hangzhou has the most convenient network activities. Th
107-1 甘同學 一、系別、姓名:生技系  甘同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:中國  清華大學 三、交換期間:2018-2019 摘要: 一個學期在北京清華大學,在不一樣的環境上課,成為一個交換學生。清華大學屬於全大陸數一數二的名校,各院系學生可說是大陸各省各高中的狀元榜首,在各地學霸的環繞以及優美的校園中,我在歷史與民國同長的清華大學度過一個學期。修習生命科學相關的課程,在清華有最優秀的老師,同時由於學校經費充足,實驗課能在良好的實驗設備情況下進行。一流的老師與課程也伴隨著對於學生的要求,認真完成學期報告與各項考試同樣不可免。抱持著認真學習的心理,開闊的心胸,在北京度過美好的四個月。 Abstract: One semester in Beijing Tsinghua University, studying in a different environment, became an exchange student. Tsinghua University is one of the best known university in mainland China with top students of colleges from each province of mainland China. In such beautiful campus with star students surrounded, I spent my one semester in the university that had a history as long as the ROC. Taking life science-associated lessons, there were the most excellent teachers. As the same time, due to the school’s substantial funding, experiment courses could be done with good experiment equipment in a fine lab. The first class teachers and lessons must be accompanied wi
107-1 林同學 一、系別、姓名:化工系  林同學 二、交換國家及姊妹校名:日本  北海道大學 三、交換期間:2018/09-2019/02 摘要: 大四時決定申請交換學生,因為一向對於日本文化很憧憬所以決定選擇日本北海道大學的HUSTEP計畫,雖然只來短短半年但學到很多課業上和課業外的知識,也交到很多各國的朋友們,我覺得這一趟非常值得,收穫遠比預期的多很多。冬天的北海道真的非常冷,但雪景也是非常美,第一次一個人在國外待這麼久,從一開始的懵懵懂懂,到後來覺得札幌就像第二個家,雖然很多事都要重新學、重新去習慣,但學習過程中也有很多意外的發現,對於未來也有新的啟發。 Abstract: I decided to apply for the exchange program in my forth year of college, and I think this is the best decision I’ve ever made. Always been fascinated to Japanese cultures, I chose a program called HUSTEP, held by Hokkaido University, which is famous for its long-standing history and picturesque campus. Despite only being there for half an year, I learned a lot, and met friends from all over the world. Having so many international students as classmates, there are always lively discussions and intriguing feedbacks in classes, which really inspired me.  Winter in Hokkaido is undoubtedly cold but the view of snow is breathtaking as well. Beside studying, I’ve visited man